Establishing an Agenda for Public Budgeting and Finance Research

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Bruce D. McDonald III
Sarah E. Larson
Craig S. Maher
Shayne Kavanagh
Kenneth W. Hunter
Christopher B. Goodman
Honey Minkowitz
Sean A. McCandless
Saman Afshan
Meagan M. Jordan
Michaela E. Abbott
Whitney Afonso
Haris Alibašić
Joanne Allen
John Allore
Laura Mason Altizer
Ralph Amador
Brian An
Ljubinka Andonoska
Lachezar G. Anguelov
Theodore Arapis
Carolyn Arcand
George Atisa
Lonce Bailey
Celeste Baker
Brian Barnett
Christina Barsky
John R. Bartle
David Beck
Jane Beckett-Camarata
Michael Bednarczuk
Toy S. Beeninga
Terry Bellamy
L. J. Bilmes
Carol Block
David Boyd
Kaelan Boyd
Spencer Brien
Kevin M. Bronner
Douglas Brook
Marlon I. Brown
Benjamin M. Brunjes
Eric Brunner
Beverly Bunch
Thad D. Calabrese
Douglas A. Carr
Michelle Casciato
Crystal Certain
Cleopatra Charles
Can Chen
Gang Chen
Debby Cherney
Cary Christian
Benjamin Y. Clark
Shane Corbin
Daniel Costie
Jason Cournoyer
Andrew Crosby
Jeff Cummins
Stephanie Dean Davis
J. W. Decker
Jessica DeShazo
Ana Maria Dimand
Amy K. Donahue
James W. Douglas
Janet Dutcher
Komla Dzigbede
Robert J. Eger III
Todd L. Ely
Natalia Ermasova
Liz Farmer
Lucianna Farmer
Dagney Faulk
Drew Finley
Carla Flink
Michael Ford
Daniel Foth
Aimee L. Franklin
Mike Franks
Marc Fudge
Richard Funderburg
Carl J. Gabrini
Bryan Gadow
David Gentry
Chris Godlewski
Suzanne Gooding
Andrew J. Grandage
Robert Greer
Christian Griffith
Amanda Grogan
Merl Hackbart
William Hatcher
Michael Hattery
Michael Hayes
Kellie Hebert
Rebecca Hendrick
Edward Hill
Susan Hiscocks
Alfred Tat-Kei Ho
Trang Hoang
Ellenore Holbrook
Mike Hoppe
Yilin Hou
John Hudson
Nancy Hudspeth
Jackie Huffman
Mikhail Ivonchyk
G. Jason Jolley
Peter A. Jones
Jason Juffras
Jonathan B. Justice
Amanda Kass
Heidi F. Kerns
Junghack Kim
Saerim Kim
Lynn Korn
Arwi Kriz
Olha Krupa
Jennifer Lampman
Jim Landers
Keith Lane
Jekyung Lee
Keith Lee
Sooho Lee
Matthew D. Leight
Stephanie Leiser
Agustin Leon Moreta
Helisse Levine
Tony Levitas
Sungdae Lim
Michelle L. Lofton
Felipe Lozano-Rojas
Martin Luby
Onyumbe E. Lukongo
Jennifer Mace
Kaitrin Mahar
Joseph Martin
David S. T. Matkin
Rusty Mau
Arche McAdoo
Anthony McCann
Dean Michael Mead
Kirk Medlin
Charles E. Menifield
Justin Merritt
John J. Metro
Roy Meyers
David Mitchell
Thomas W. Moeller
Zachary Mohr
Temirlan T. Moldogaziev
Bryant Morehead
Chris Morrill
Sian Mughan
Joyce Munro
Bruce Neubauer
Melissa Neuman
Phuong Nguyen-Hoang
Marc Nicole
James Nordin
Julius A. Nukpezah
Susan O'Brien
Amy Oland
Julie Osteen
Amber Overholser
Michael Overton
Sungho Park
Jordan Paschal
Rahul Pathak
Marvin Phaup
Kawika Pierson
Wendy Pope
Geoffrey Propheter
Steve Redburn
Lesley Reder
David S. Reed
Vincent Reitano
Sam Riddle
William C. Rivenbark
Alejandro Rodriguez
Mark Romito
Justin Ross
Irene Rubin
Nicholas R. Sadler
Nicholas Sarpy
Josephine Gatti Schafer
Robert Schuhmann
Elizabeth A. M. Searing
Alex Sekwat
Iuliia Shybalkina
Akheil Singla
Alex Smith
Christy Smith
Zachary A. Smith
Douglas R. Snow
Dragan Stanisevski
Jon Stehle
Eric Stokan
Samuel B. Stone
David Swindell
Charles Taylor
Lori Taylor
Tran Thein Vu
Jay Toland
John Topinka
Evelyn Trammell
Paul Trogen
Ed Van Eenoo
Elizabeth Goltry Wadle
Sally Wallace
Shu Wang
Rob Wassmer
Paul Weinstein Jr.
Amy M. Wells
Laura Wheeler
Daniel W. Williams
Katherine Willoughby
Darrin Wilson
Paul Winfree
Sharon Wojda
Blue Wooldridge
Paige Worsham
Kristina Wright
Stefen Wynn
Yan Xiao
H. Daniel Xu
Lang Kate Yang
Juita-Elena (Wie) Yusuf
Aziza Zemrani
Zhirong Jerry Zhao
Nancy Zielke


Public Budgeting and Finance, Public Finance, Ranked Voting, Research Agenda


Public budgeting and finance is a discipline that encompasses communities of research and practice. Too often, however, these communities fail to engage each other, instead choosing to operate independently. The result is that the research being conducted fails to address the questions of the day and our governments’ challenges. In this article, we come together as a community of academics and practitioners to establish an agenda for where future research should be conducted. This agenda aims to align the research being undertaken within the academic community with the needs of those working in the community of practice. After establishing ten areas where research is needed, we followed a ranked-choice voting process to establish a prioritization for them. Based on the outcome of this process, the two primary areas where research is currently needed most are the fiscal health of our governments and the implementation of social equity budgeting.


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